Friday, August 17, 2007


I grab inspiration from designer collections and pictures I find on,, magazines, etc. Sometimes, and this has happend lately, I find myself inspired by fashion spreads rather than the person on the cover of the magazine. But as we all know inspiration can be found anywhere, not just in fashion. Sure, what I just named is where I get inspiration, but that's more of artistic inspiration. No, no, I get hardcore inspiration from people, their stories, which are at times made into film. This one way in which I get some will and determination....MOVIES!
Above pictures found magazine
Below pictures found thru: Google

A person has to go thru a lot of dramatic events (lamen's terms:bad stuff) in order to get to the good, yeah? Especially when that person is a teacher trying to make a group of unlikely students to become a family. This day in age, even middle schoolers get tried many times before becoming adults. They've just got a lot on their plate-unlike how it was say many years ago. In this movie, a teacher by the name of Ron Clark, (yes it's that actor who plays Chandler on "Friends"), changes the lives of his 7th grade class. He does this by showing them that they can do more than the standards already set by their parents. Underneath it all lays a bright group of children:smart, artistic, and gifted. This is a very moving story that will practically bring you to tears!

"Freedom Writers" serves as a movie recommend, since I have not see it yet. I will just say what I do know about it, despite not having watched it. I know that it is based on a real story. It's a movie that proves that one person, in whcih case is the teacher, can make all the difference. Lastly, it's about beating the odds and going above someone else's expectations. Keep in mind though that my friend an previous English teacher said it was very good. So, just because I can't provide my non-existing experence of it doesn't mean you shouldn't look into it.

This is the third of inspirational movies..."The Pursuit of Happyness". Will Smith and his son have a great connection not only off screen but onscreen also. Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner who went for an internship as a stock broker. Chris wants to make a better life for his son Chrsitopher (played by Jaden). This movie is based on true events-it connects to man's struggle of the day-to-day life. Not only that, but how all of us try to survive in the world we live in. Whether it be working those extra shifts or just getting food on the table. A really good movie will pull you in; make you experience every tear, struggle, and those oh so special moments. "The Pursuit of Happyness" does just that and more.

In just about every episode of "The Cosby Show", there's that special moment. It's either a profound loving moment or the down-right laughing I'm going to stop breathing moment. No matter what I think I'm always going to love this show. There are only so many shows that are wholesome and will leave a lasting impression on you. There's always something to anticipate on-brilliantly spoken lines and witty remarks. The show is realistic and there is something in it for everybody!
Do you all remember BANANAS IN PAJAMAS? I loved them so much. Yes, this is before someone decided to make a cartoon out of a yellow sponge. Spongebob may be good, but BANANA IN PAJAMAS was great!
The 1949 version of "Little Women" has a very good cast. Each little woman has something that distinguishes herself from her sister. You've got Jo the tomboy, Megg the proper beauty (not that all these girls aren't beautiful), Amy the outspoken high-class girl, and Beth the charitable. I really loved this movie, I mean its a classic, right? I have yet to read the book, but I'll get to it! I never watched the 1933 version, but for the time-being this movie was more than satisfactory. Although, I'd really like to see the 1994 version....

I recently watched this on the Sundance channel and was drawn to it. I was first drawn to it because of the story: a man is attracted to a gal who shops compulsively for clothes. And its really no joke, these woman has a serious problem, but very good taste. I mean you've got Michael Kors, Chanel, some really great shoes, the works! I was also drawn to this film because of its music. It's haunting, sombre, but rather uplifting. Which completely reflects the mood of the film itself. If anything, "Tony Takitani" a film of interst defintely worth seeing!

"Across the Universe" is a movie musical feauturing a bunch of Beatles songs. But here's the twist...they're sung by new voices! Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturgess, and other amazing actors. Looking at the trailer, I'm reminded of Moulin Rouge. Though its only because of the lovestory, amazing color, and huge energy.ONLY. Yet thats just enough for me to see it. It comes out everywhere September 21. You can also visit and listen to the songs, see the trailer, clips, and more details on the story.


Anonymous said...

those fashion pics are so cute! i love hte third pic!

foreign films are the best! jap, korean, hk... mmm that new movie sounds interesting.. across the universe. sth i'd like to watch

Anonymous said...

oo love the first photo!

and i am actually really excited for across the universe too! although i must admit the end of trailer is a bit trippy, but overall the concept is really unique and intriguing, and it looks like a very artsy, creative, dramatic, and romantic movie, basically right up my ally! and did i mention james strugess, ie jude, is hot! hehe (btw, hey jude is a fantastic song, totally love the beatles myself!)

Diana @ So Fash'on said...

this make me want to see more movies!!! :) too bad I lack the time!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Love your blog, it's so fabulous.
In the pursuit of happyness is one of my favorite movies, I can't tell you how many times I cried!!

the red monster said...

just got your comments yes of course you can link me... Oh and your not alone i lovvveeeeeeeeddd the bananna's in pajamma's

Jaclyn said...

The Pursuit of Happyness was such a good movie. Another inspirational movie is Pay it Forward. Bananna's in Pajamma's is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I love to watch movies too!
They're great sources of inspiration, I agree!

Aisha said...

I wanted to see The Pursuit of Happyness but never get to =(. SOmetimes I'm like "YEah i have to watch this movie" but in the end i don't have the time to do it or nobody to go with because they're busy too. University makes us feel kind of tired. I think the little boy (Chris) is soo cute =).

I also love the third picture all in silver colour!. Her hair looks pretty rad

Sebastian Perinotti said...

thanks for the lovely comment:)
unfortunately the touching poem is actually a song, from Amy Winehouse so i did not write it! hehe

Sebastian Perinotti said...

all the pictures in my blog are taken by me! that u can be sure of! heh

the things i write are almost all by me or they are adaptations from other poems or phrases edited by me:)


pinup_girl said...

I'm DYING to see Across The Universe. We have practically the same taste in movies. I loooove Freedom Writers and Pursuit Of Happyness. And don't even get me started on the fashion pictures. I was droooling :]

indigomast said...

loved this post!!

i've been waiting for the Across the Universe movie to come out

Alexa said...

glad you found/liked my blog.

i am SO looking forward to across the universe. i can't wait! and inspiration from fashion spreads = story of my life.

i like your blog a lot, i'm going to add it to my links :]

Jo said...

this is a fantatsic post!
i totally agree that inspirations cames from everywear, even from music...or art!

modamadame said...

Hello!! I have discovered your blog now, it's very interesting. I'm from Spain so i don't speak english well, sorry.
Lot of kisses and good look.

modamadame said...

Oh, my dear, I want to say yo good luck no good look! Sorry.

cotton candy said...

oh!! so this is where you went. i tried your old blog the other day and i was like "oh no! it's not working" im so glad you have a new one.

and oh! little women!! im in love with that story and saw the movie with kirsten dunst. and oh! a 1949 version. i must find it.

mismilcosas said...

This "across the universe" looks interesting...
I know that u like fashion, me too -a little-. Maybe I will try to ind a job in Fashion Comunication in Portugal to january... I hope to have good luck!! :)

The polaroid was in Barcelona, near "Ciutatvella Park".

Thanks for visiting me. I add ur blog to my blog-friends!!!


miss *ann said...

yeah that's my boyfriend, but hey, he just got back yesterday, so i'm really happy, besides he brought me a lot of cute stuff.. haha. btw, i can't wait to watch across the universe(nice post).

Romeika said...

I can't wait to see "Across the Universe"!! I've seen the trailer and it looks like a great film, though i didn't really love how Evan Rachel Wood sounded. The movie's style reminded me of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet.

Love the outfits u picked, specially that gray coat, so different!

Ella Gregory said...

the third picture is to die for
i saved it becuase it is so pretty
and i love matthew perry, he is my ideal man, shame hes a bit too old for me

Moose on the Loose said...

Freedom Writers is a great movie. Loved the post! Check out my new one.

Eritia said...

Yeah, I understand about the internet thing, I always choose some little island i've never heard of as my country when i sign up for things.
haha my last post was really random, because i just went through my picture file and chose some.

I can't wait to see Across The Universe!!!!!!!

Eritia said...

Ohmygod I just saw the little bit about Bananas in Pajamas, I LOVED THAT SHOW!

I didn't get it on my tv, so whenever i went over to my best friends house all i wanted to do was watch the videos she had and she would get pissed cuz i didn't want to play. haha.

Carolina Lange said...

Inspirational post! Love it! Great pics! I love the Cosby Show!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Love the first picture too, great shot!

Char Ruiz Manjarrez said...

I loved this post! So inspirational!


Anja said...

Oh I love the first pictures, models are so inpirational! And this post makes me want to go to the cinema!

Lauren said...

thanks for checking out my blog!
im loving yours!
and i MUST SEE across the universe too! looks amazing and yea it did reming me of moulin rouge - one of my favs!

- said...

the models in the first picture look so cute... they are adorable, love the post

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah i luved little women, only thing is that i bawl when laurrie proposes! I hate Jo for not marrying him!! Stupid Jo!!! JK!

I <3 your blog by the way! uber awesome!

Gloria said...

great post.

I actually have a strange likeness for matthew perry as well..

and it's nice to see your inspirations!

Bella said...

I love that pic of Sasha in the grey....and I CANNOT wait for Across the looks AMAZING....

Tru said...

oh I remeber Bananas in PJS well sort fo I never watched it but the commercals were cute and I relaly want to see Freedom Writers

Ellie Lee said...

bananas in pjs were so cute!!! haha! pursuit of happyness was so achingly sweet...

owell. haha.
hoped u enjoy yr camping trip!!

Sebastian Perinotti said...

today i bought a present for my mum, i got her a ch carolina herrera handbag, its a medium size bag in patent leather and leather with the ch embroidery, really nice! i thought i should tell u since ur a fashionista:) hehe


Alison said...

I totally agree with you about the mags, I hardly even pay attention to the overexposed celebutantes on the cover anymore and just buy them for the editorials( and the high fashion ads of course).

glamour girly said...

oh, that gold dress is stunning! have fun at camp! check out my inspiration from the stars from one of my latest posts:)


Hildur said...

I love all the fashion pictures! And great choice of movies. I thought Freedom Writers was really great and so was The Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith's son is so adorable :)