Saturday, August 4, 2007


I'VE GOT A NEW HEADER!SO READERS GIVE SOME FEEDBACK!And without further ado here's your weekly post:
Jimmy Choo shoes!Trying saying that 5 times fast. I saw these shoes in an ad from the curent American Vogue magazine...falling head over heels. (And no not literally). And listing the price would probably just make you I guess it'll just have to serve for nice eye candy.SIGH. The Marc Jacobs lace-ups are the second pic down and just a little somthing that I think expresses "the" Fall shoe.
P.S. Don't get discouraged by designer prices. There's great find out there somewhere! Try MACY's when they're having a sale. My mom and I were able to get a Vera Wang nightgown for a good price. You can also check out the SPECIAL ITEMS category on Marc There's a shirt that says "paradise" for only $30..but keep in mind that those items are only available at a MJ store. But still its nice to look at your options.

Here are a couple desirable mentions.....bags by Luella. She has a unique aesthetic in clothing, and I decided to check out her bags. Which just happen to be GORGEOUS. First, there's the bag with a label. Nowadays bags with a saying or label tend to be in high demand. And the second bag has studs, which has become rather trendy. Remember if you're going for a studded accessory select something that doesn't look tacky or is so overpowering that it might toughen your look.

Well, to me it seems that there is a trend that has not been truly noticed. Well...more like a chosen inspiration. This Fall it looks like some designers chose a culture/race as an influence in their collections. A mix of russian, british, roman, etc. The designers feautured are Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton, and others. Well here it is...and its something I like to call CLASH of the Cultures.

Russian Doll

"The British are coming!The British are coming!"

" as the Romans do". These pics are from the Gucci indy collection.

The Parisian with an attitude!(In the best sense of course)

The All-American


From Lily With Love said...

I love the first pair of shoes.

Bella said...

OMG....both of those shoes are so amazingly beautiful...I want them!!!

sara said...

So much great stuff out this fall, the only thing I don't think I could get would be real leather a fur.

x sara o

i may go back to the old header.

hannah said...

i adore the second luella bag. i have been lusting over it forever.

and i love those marc jacobs oxfords. im glad im not the only one who likes them.

cotton candy said...

really you shouldn't tempt me. lol. those marc jacob heels are making me go crazy. i love them so much!!

p.s , any ideas on which flower i should choose?? im in a dilemma. so indecisive i =P

Ella Gregory said...

i love the geek bag and those are some hot jimmy choos
great post again

Carolina Lange said...

Love the Jimmy Choos and the white Luella bag!
Great pics!

K. said...

Love the Luella bag! Great lineup of fall picks!

-ciao bella- said...

fab post, i LOVE both pairs of shoes- i want them so badly!

p.s. love the blog- i'm adding you to my links

Ellen SB said...

I love this post. I rarely ever read magazines anymore because I get more ideas from blogs. Vouge is great though!

Emma said...

Genius post. Clash on, cultures, clash on.

suzanne said...

haha yea i think lash extension are totally worth it.

eeee! i just gotta have those marc jacob's lace up heels!

Lauren said...

great post!
thanks for checking out my blog!
i really like yours too :)

Ellie Lee said...

great post!!
loved d shoes!! wna ged some laced up booties now! but, sigh. i dont really know wht to wear them wif):
i love this fall!! everything's fab! and so wearable! some great styles to "copy" frm!!

anyhow, thanks for d comment! d donuts were fab!!

gna link u!

Ana said...

cool post
glad someone else loves lace up oxfords. my mum and sis hate them with passion

glamour girly said...

Oh, I love that Emporio Armani ad and the red coat! Your blog is amazing - I will definitely stop by often. I am linking you on mine!

WendyB said...

I'm liking those lace-up platforms. They remind me of a pair of shoes I had about 10 years ago. I know! I'm old! :-(

Ondo Lady said...

Don't you just love the Luella Bartley bags? I was in Selfridges yesterday (the UK version to Bloomingdales) and I was checking out all the designer bags and swooning. I saw the Paddington, Mulberry and a few Balanciegos which were awesome. There was a lady in a Mulberry concession getting a bag bought for her by her fella, I left feeling very jealous.

Jaclyn said...

Omg i love the Marc Jacobs shoes!!! I want that Geek bag! it totally discribes me, plus its cute! Im not sure about the white stud one tho, not really my style.

Anonymous said...

lovely pics! love the marc jacobs lace ups! my parents bought me a pair at an mj store once when i wasnt there and i had to exchange it for a different shoe because it didnt fit :[

-S said...

i love the marc jacobs lace-ups! although they seem a bit school girl, with that serious heel, they are anything but.

Gloria said...

it's a bit plain, but the canvas bag is totally sweet.

Alison said...

your new header is fantastic, and the russian doll look is awesome
I still love your blog <333

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love luella's geek bag but that's where it stops i'm just not into her bags they are too young and girly for me I guess it depends on your style, she makes great clothing though. Great post ;)

Elizabeth said...

i want one of those geek bags so badly! love the header by the way.

link exchange??

Emily ♥ said...

what a unique idea for a post.
like the shoes (the Jimmy Choo's haha!)

oooh! & your new header is SO cute.

Anonymous said...

i love those MJ shoes. that luella bad is adorable.. geek.. who wouldve thought of that!

btw would you like to exchange links?

Anonymous said...

your blog is AMAZING!
I just had to link you!!!

Diana Coronado said...

Great blog !!
Nice pics !!

Kat said...

I'm not the biggest fan of Jimmy Choo's but those lace ups are fab!
I love Luella so so much, her bags rock! That's true about the global runway, really good examples. I love your new header too.

Diana @ So Fash'on said...

very classic and chic your new header. cute!!
love the Parisian look for it's so artsy:)

Romeika said...

I'm in love with that second pair of shoes, i'd love to have something like that for fall. The hats on the fashion show look so femminine and chic.

re:i've linked your blog on my page.


miss fashion said...

i will put some type of hello kitty in my header. !

alexgirl said...

Oooooh, I love love love all this stuff. Esp the Marc Jacobs shoes. I've seen several versions of that style, but they're fabulous. Mmmm...
And that Geek bag. I want that.
Thanks for such a great post!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh yes, the header is wonderful!
i also love the geek tote...
i kinda wish hey had one called nerd.
; )

love your blog lady!


Diana Coronado said...

the headeeer!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE those jimmy choo shoes and the marc jacobs, they're making me depressed that i can't afford them :( but prehaps ill find some that look similar...great blog by the way