Alright, let's face it, not everyday is a bucket of sunshine and rainbows. It's not always the perfect day...there will be room for sad times. And that's just a fact. But what if you had a way to turn it around? What if you had an online guide to give yourself an instant boost of? Well this is it...the pick-me up post!
WARNING: This pick-me up post has a 50/50 percent change of success. It will either help you feel better or not. Though I have complete confidence that you will find at least one thing to give you a little happiness. This is the WEEKLY BLOGETTE's attempt to spread a little happiness in the form of a post:
Listen to this: OK GO "Here it goes again"
Madonna "Music"
Blink 182 "All the small things"
These songs should get you up, moving, and having fun in no time!
Mission: Survive the Bop It Extreme. Goal: Have hours of endless fun. Enough said.

If you're bummed but still have some energy left, you could always put yourself to good use. Boxing can really work when you're upset about something...just let those emotions OUT! Or if you're striving for something that lasts longer take up a class! Think boxing, dance, even the gym! I read something about exercise and how it really can make you feel happy. I think it has to do with realeasing endorphins. And how can you not be happy with exercise, you'll be pushing your limits while making yourself look even better! A second option is baking, and not just for can bake for other people too? It will definitely give them something to smile about, which in turn will help you feel better about yourself.

I usually do not come across a book that can make me laugh. A book that can have humor that sticks with me. But I did come across a couple. The first is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which I think is in some ways pretty sensational. I love how Huck is on this whole journey of self-discovery while pulling off some pretty crazy shenanigans along the way. (One of those shenanigans includes dressing up as a girl and failing miserably). The second book is one that I looked into...and it seems like a really good read. And yeah it really is a survival guide for fighting against zombies. Useful?No. Entertaining?Oh yes!
Catching up on reruns of your favorite show. Fresh Prince is a favorite of mine...I just love the moments Will and Carlton have classic! Oh and remember theses words: "Its not unusual to be loved by anyone.Its not unusual to have fun with anyone." Baradadaaaaaaaaaa!

Magazines are my greatest fad and weakness. But depending on the magazine, you can find brilliantly written articles, wonderful fashion editorials, and so on. This is the cover of British Vogue Magazine by the way...and it fits very well with the post because it offers a "fashion pick-me up"! Then there's Men's vogue on top, I read a bit of the article on Will Smith. I have yet to finish but I'm definitely intrigued!